Anita Wray

From triathlons to acupuncture, Anita's experience in health and wellness spans more than 30 years. Her accreditations began in skin care and aesthetics moving on to reflexology, aromatherapy and homeopathy. She is a dedicated and compassionate therapist, and without a doubt her ability to develop rapport is one of her guiding and intuitive traits. Anita's skills have been endorsed through many years of compassionate care working with clients in several clinical settings including her own private practices.

Store Hours

Monday - Friday

9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday


Complementary health care is by no means intended to replace conventional medicine and/or be substituted for professional medical advice or treatment. Complementary health care may include a number of modalities that facilitate the body's natural ability to combat stress, balance homeostasis and improve physiological and psychological well being.